Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Reflexology. Earthing. Energy. What?

“When we walk like (we are rushing), we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth. We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth... Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”

The definition according to Google: 

  1. 1.
    a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head linked to every part of the body.
  2. 2.
    the scientific study of reflex action as it affects behavior.

The Practice of Reflexology dates back to about 4,000 B.C. in ancient Chinese Medicine and 2,330 B.C. In Egypt First being seen in the Tomb of Ankhmahor , "The Physicians Tomb" Shows a painting Ancient people practicing reflexology. Native Americans also practiced reflexology

"One of the biggest influences for zone therapy came from the Native American Indian tribes.  This may possibly have been passed down to them by the Incas around the 17th century.
The feet were and are an important symbol of the Native American Indians:
'Your feet walk upon the earth and through this your spirit is connected to the universe.  Our feet are our contact with the earth and the energies that flow through it'."

Over the weekend I earned a certification in Reflexology. I went into the program several weeks ago blind to the benefits. I signed up without ever receiving a treatment myself. I had read about the benefits and they sparked an interest in me because it reminded me of "earthing".

 I had heard the term "earthing" (walking around outside barefoot) years ago and I didn't scientifically understand the benefits at all but I did understand that I love to be barefoot outside all summer long. Give me mud, grass, rocks, rushing streams of water on my toes, sand, or the bark of an old tree beneath my bare feet because I LOVE the sensation. It grosses my husband out at sometimes
"your feet are so dirty, put some shoes on!"
"I'm not touching your feet."
 Its hurtful, I think my feet are pretty cute! But in his defense they are usually dirty by the end of the day because I need them to be bare and I'm not alone, there is an entire movement of earth to foot lovers!

After reading a few books I am making the connection between earthing and reflexology. I am also making the energetic exchange connection.

I have found when I start using the word "energy" I start losing people. Energy being coined as some hippy dippy fru fru term, but energy is real. Energy is science. And energy, like it or not is present in every body. Your body, my body, the air, the earth and energy doesn't discriminate. It behaves the same with whomever and whatever it interacts.... sort of.

Here is a really great article written by Daniel Howell PhD author of The Barefoot Book, that in my humble opinion points to the relationship of "earthing" and reflexology and the general health benefits of stimulating the feet.

My husband has worked in the electrical field for well over 10 years. He is fully educated and has systematically moved up in his work place because, the man gets it. He is smart (husband brag). He can fix anything, he amazes me and he understands how energy works. So, as a "kinetic energy" worker myself I am also a Yoga teacher, it has been interesting to bounce ideas off of him, a "potential energy" worker, and to note the overlaps in the two systems.

There are two basic forms of energy:
Kinetic, Moving Energy and Potential, Stored Energy.
Where do humans fit into these categories of energy?
Obviously both. We have both moving energy (we move our bodies) and stored energy(we use food as energy to fuel the body) and the two forms interact constantly.

Registered Dietitian Ashley Koff, author of Momenergy writes:

In the body, thermal energy helps us to maintain a constant body temperature, mechanical energy helps us to move, and electrical energy sends nerve impulses and fires signals to and from our brains. Energy is stored in foods and in the body as chemical energy"

 We are energy receptors and conductors. We simply are, in the physical sense and the psychological sense. The two systems of energy work hand in hand. No energy can just disappear, it can be absorbed but there is no such thing as no energy exchange in the body or outside of it. We are always exchanging energy and scientifically no energy just up and flies away. It is either contained or absorbed, then being contained by the object which absorbed it, until it releases that energy.

In reflexology we have the opportunity to work with energy, our own and each others. The nervous system is basically the bodies internal wiring and we can work with that wiring with external stimulation.

When my husband goes to work each day and works with extremely high voltages of electricity he has to make sure that he is grounded and the material around him that energy can move through are grounded for his safety.

I actually called him this morning and asked him about the trucks that have the grounding strip on the bottom of the truck...

Me: "Whats it for?"

Husband: " Well you know how if you rub your socks on the ground on a cold winters day and then walk up to a person and touch them to shock them?

Me: "yeah"

Husband: "Well that works because everything has a potential every object is a potential and each objects potential is different. If a truck is grounded it changes the objects potential so that it wont get shocked."

Me: "Ohhhh, so the energy cant enter that object?"

Husband: "The energy still enters but it goes through rather than shocking the person"

Me: "Interesting, on so many levels. Think about it. If you are grounded energy can pass through you but it cannot stay in you. That's so cool, on so many levels and just true both physically and emotionally!"

 If we are grounded other peoples negativity might pass through us or by us but we don't have to hang on to it. We can cant always see it but we feel it and let it pass on by! Its a very physical transaction even though we cannot see the energy. Reflexology is said to effect not only physical health but also emotional health because the two systems are working hand and hand not separately.

I believe reflexology is a physical practice of grounding.Grounding can help to keep us safe. Physically and emotionally.

Maybe you have accepted that you are energy,  maybe you have not. Either way I find the science behind reflexology to be pretty convincing.

The basic idea is that you have literally hundreds of thousands of nerve endings in the bottom of your foot (hands and ears too). This is anatomy, not a made up theory. The nerve endings in the foot wire up to the brain and then make connection to other organs within the body. The idea is by physically manipulating the bottoms of these nerve endings you send energy back up to the brain or cause a reflex that outputs that energy back to the corresponding organ. A process that I believe would happen naturally if we were to walk barefoot but because of  shoes and the general sedentary nature of our culture these nerve endings are not properly stimulated which can possibly lead to build up or miscommunication in the nervous system.

Think of a straw. If you are trying to clean out a straw or some type of tube, you come at it from both ends.

What could cause build up of energy in the nervous system or miscommunication of the nervous system?

What causes damage to the nervous system?

Disease and injury.

You have these fragile threads that run throughout the nervous system if you wreck your car you can damage them. If you eat an unhealthy or vitamin deficient diets you can cause damage to the organs and the nervous system.

In a physical sense if you have to cut a wire and then splice it back together there is a disturbance in the line. My husband said it causes resistance in the line. That resistance causes a build up of energy making the line "hotter" at that point.

I guess reflexology in comparison could be viewed as a practice of smoothing out the resistance in our internal lines of energy. Finding the "hot spots" and working them out.

Reflexology does not claim to cure disease its claims to help create an environment in the body that is better able to heal itself, homeostasis within the body.

Reflexology can help blood circulation, reduces stress and tension in the body, and increase communication or nerve unblocking in the nervous system, and help to work with nature to achieve homeostasis within the body.

What if all of this is false and all reflexology is, is a glorified food rub?

Would a foot rub relax you?

What is the importance of relaxation or better, the absence of stress?

Since approximately 75% of today's diseases are attributable to some type of stress on the body be that physical stress or emotional stress, both cause trauma. Id say relaxation is extremely important and undervalued in our society.

Here is another great article article published by NPT, The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy Magazine, written by Robert Scaer MD

Robert Scaer, MD, has practiced neurology and rehabilitation for 36 years. His three books, The Body Bears the Burden, The Trauma Spectrum, and 8 Keys to Brain-Body Balance, address the intimate relationship between life trauma and chronic disease, the ubiquitous association of modern society with intrinsic sources of trauma, and the role of somatic techniques for healing trauma.

Find Dr. Scaer's article here:

Reflexology is not a replacement for your doctor, medication, or medical care. It is a compliment to that care.

In closing Ill tell you about my personal experiences with reflexology. I started the program on the first day I had about 4 hours of receiving reflexology. I went home that night and I was exhausted like crazy tired and a little nauseated but I thought it had just been a long day. The second day I went back and again received tons of reflexology as the other participants in my class practiced on me. Went home that night couldn't get off the toilet and threw up. I know TMI but I think its worth sharing. Two weeks pass and symptoms disappear so I assume I just had a stomach bug and return to my class. Third training day while working on my digestive system I break into a sweat and my stomach becomes a mess again. I vomit again that day. Day 4 I feel a little more mental clarity and decide I'm not eating junk because obviously its causing disruption in my digestive system. I am certain that my body reacted to the reflexology and sometimes flu like symptoms pop up as we release toxins and or built up energy (healing crisis). After regular reflexology the body will quite possibly find homeostasis and the negative side effects should subside.I have also been using the practice on my children, they LOVE it and regularly ask me for foot rubs now, which I am happy to give because it seems to calm them down and regulate their energy levels, besides I know the importance and healing power of physical touch it helps my children to thrive.  I have also had the opportunity to share reflexology with my Grandmother who is on dialysis and in stage 4 kidney failure. She has neuropathy of the feet and after receiving reflexology she said she immediately felt more movement in the foot that causes her the most pain and trouble. I gave a reflexology treatment to my mother and she fell asleep before I started the next foot, so I am convinced she was in a state of deep relaxation! lol

Im super excited about my own experience and cannot wait to start offering reflexology appointments to the general public!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Ill fly away - conversations with birds

I had just picked my little one up from daycare and was crossing one (of only two) Y-bridges, one of them happens to be in my little home town and I cross it almost daily. All three of my sons were in the car when I saw him, this great bird with a huge wing span and a black mask covering just his eyes. I stopped my car. I had never seen this type of bird before and he was strong and majestic. I rolled down my window and he turned his head to look back at me over the top of his right wing. His gaze firm, sharp, and steady. He was unaffected by my presence and went back to gazing down into the waters. Focused.
He looked like a cross between an eagle and a hawk and as it turns out he basically is just that. 
An Osprey, my first time ever seeing one and its odd because next month I am taking my first backpacking adventure and I have purchased two osprey packs and I had paid no attention until now to what an Osprey even was. 
The Osprey is a one of a kind creature and has much symbolism and mythology attached to their sightings. One of only birds of prey that will completely submerge itself into water to catch its prey, risking its life. Total immersion into unknown waters with complete confidence in her ability to survive. - I want to be like the Osprey.


If Osprey has come swooping into your life;

Are you feeling a little out of your comfort zone? Has the changes in you and around you been a bit overwhelming of late? Osprey is here to let you know that you can put your head under the emotional water and still survive. Stop worrying what other people think, it’s only your ego that thinks they will notice anything in the first place.

My Osprey showed up when I needed her to. With a message that was right on time.

I drove home and immediately began researching the bird and I was not disappointed. I always feel that when something in nature captivates us we need to listen to what is being communicated.

The next morning I was in the car and I noticed a hawk staring me down.

Whats with the birds universe? 

 I never notice birds this way (well that's a lie I have a thing with cardinals and hummingbirds too) but I have never had these encounters with birds of prey before. I saw the hawk the hawk was looking directly at me and I was like,

"whats up hawk"

and the hawk was like,

"check yo'self" 

and I was like, 

"okay hawk, I will. "

Flash forward to day three. 

I'm at home cleaning my house and I hear this racket in my garage. I go outside to find this little finch in my garage. She thought she was trapped but the garage door was wide open. I took a broom and shooed her out. A few hours pass and I hear the racket again!? I went out to find the little bird back and in horrible shape. She was beating her head against the ceiling so violently that she was bleeding. There was blood (and still is we will have to repaint) all over my ceiling. 

Honestly the situation broke my heart. It was very gruesome and apparent that this little bird wasn't going to make it. She crushed her own skull and she could have left the garage at any time.

Why would she stay here doing this to herself?

 Beating her head against a wall when she could leave anytime?

How often do I spiritually/emotionally do this very same thing to myself? 

Beat my head against a figurative wall until my heart bleeds when I am free to leave?

And so the birds of the air made their message loud and clear. 

Don't be afraid to dive into unknown waters. Stop beating yourself up. Stop beating your head against walls when the door is wide open. Leave. Stop harming yourself. You are free, you are capable, and you are wicked strong. 

I woke up unafraid. I woke up knowing no matter the waters that I find myself in I am strong AF and I am not afraid. I am a force and I will not be confined to small spaces where I feel afraid, isolated, and full of hurt. I am like a bird and as the song goes "Ill fly away." <3 

Stone my first born picked out for me this weekend at a local state park. Hello bird.

Friday, July 14, 2017

People are hurt.

I have been reading a lot of Jiddu Krishnamurti's work and listening to his talks.

If you want to find out more about him go here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_Krishnamurti

In short Krishnamurti was a philosopher who rejected much of what he was taught, denied organized religion, and had no allegiance to any land.

In one of his talks he mocks yoga a bit. Which as a yoga teacher and advocate I don't love, but what he has to say was pretty funny.

Krishnamurti's veiw on yoga here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chPBmSzvStQ he actually  does say many good things in this talk and other writings about the practice.

I resonate deeply with much that he has to say and is trying to teach. Honestly its almost completely in line with my own beliefs and much of my training in yoga, self-inquiry and meditation.

He died when I was 2 (shame, I could have been one of his followers :-) ).

So, how are you hurt?

I would bet that you (and I) could name many ways.

Is there anyway to avoid hurt?

Avoid hurt from happening again?

Heal from the hurts of the past?


Krishnamurti's idea goes a little something like this; We are born into a world of hurt. The moment that we are born to our parents they immediately have plans for us, ideals for us, an identity for us.

As a mother of three myself I know this is true. I have ideals for my children. I would like it very much if they were known for being extremely loving and kind. I would like it very much if they excelled in education and passed all the schools test with ease (even though this wasn't true for myself). I would like it very much if they were great at sports. I would like it very much if they practiced yoga and meditation. I would like it very much if they grew up to be doctors or scientist. I would like all of these ideals for my children, very much.

Doesn't seem so bad, right?

Except for, at the very moment of out birth we are expected to fit into this identity. The way we simply are will not do. No, we must form and mold good humans, correct?

Then this process goes on. We head off to school and our systems, teachers, authority figures, society, politics all has a set of ideals for the people who pass through this system. At some point most all of us fail some, all, or many of these ideals. And can you guess how that feels when we feel we have failed an ideal that was set for us?

It feels like hurt.

The process continues through jobs, lives that we live and maybe at times don't even really like but were living up to this prerequisite about our lives that started the moment we were born.

The process deepens into the space of our mind. We make or set superficial ideals for ourselves, maybe not even actually for ourselves as much as for the acceptance and approval of others.

 And whoever that baby was when it was born is still inside but it is confused and hurt because that baby never really got to decide who he or she wanted to be... he or she from day one started trying to live up to the ideals of everyone around them. This baby has tried very hard to have an identity that everyone around them would say was good. And maybe because of all of these ideals that baby grows up never really deeply knowing itself. He or she has just been going through the motions and jumping through the hoops that the world set before this tiny, innocent, good human from day one.

It might be hard to put our finger on it at times. But, have you ever woke up and thought:

 "what am I doing with my life? I'm not doing the things I want to do? I cant change it because everyone around me needs me to be what I am now. I cant change because of the ideals that I "Have" to live up to."

Who hasn't felt this way?

And so then, if this is where hurt starts, is there any cure?

Where can hurt begin to heal, or maybe just show up a little less in life?

J. Krishnamurti says that there is a way.

The cure, is to drop the story. Drop the identity. Drop the ideals. Drop the expectations, for yourself and for those around you.

In my Baptiste inspired yoga teacher training one of the things we were told was to drop our story.

Yeah, maybe up to this point in your life you have been someone. Maybe you have been an asshole. Maybe you have been late allllllllll the time. Maybe you aren't as social as you wish you were. Maybe your are messy or unorganized. Maybe you don't care for yourself. Maybe you love to read but you never pick up a book, Maybe you hate your job. Maybe you've been a shitty parent. Maybe you eat bacon every dam day.

Maybe some or all of these things are part of your "story". Maybe you have made these things that have been true at one time in your life something that has to be true forever. And that is simply not so.

You are writing the story.

Whats it gonna be?

"Why do you want to be students of books instead of students of life? Find out what is true and false in your environment with all of its oppression and its cruelties, and then you will find out what is true.

The story of mankind is in you, the vast experience, the deep-rooted fears,anxieties, sorrows, pleasure, and all the beliefs that man has accumulated throughout the millennia. You are that book.

We are like two friends sitting in the park on a lovely day talking about life, talking about our problems, investigating the very nature of our existence, and asking ourselves seriously why life has become such a great problem, why, though intellectually we are very sophisticated, yet our daily life is such a grind, without any meaning, except survival which again is rather doubtful. Why has life, every day existence, become such a torture? We may go to Church, follow some leader, political or religious, but the daily life is always such a turmoil; though there are certain periods which are occasionally joyful, happy,there is always a cloud of darkness about our life.And these two friends, as we are, you and I, are talking over together, in a friendly manner, perhaps with affection, with care, with concern, whether it is at all possible to live our daily life without problem." 
-J, Krishnamurti -The Book of Life

How can you start writing your own story?

What is something you believe is true about yourself that you no longer want to be part of your story?

You have the complete ability to drop it.

Drop it.

Write something new

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Truth about Men --- Listen my Sons

A letter to my sons --- you are love.

“Men weren’t really the enemy — they were fellow victims suffering from an outmoded masculine mystique that made them feel unnecessarily inadequate when there were no bears to kill.” 
― Betty Friedan

I promise you, my little boys-- that you entered this world untouched, clean, innocent, and ever so fragile.

I was afraid then, at the time when you were born and for the weeks to follow that I might hurt you. Your tiny fingers. Your fragile existence.  I would sit for long periods and watch your chest rise and fall, then finally leave the room to get something done to find myself rushing back after 5 minutes had past to watch a little more. Monitoring your breathing always made me feel short of breath myself, on edge, always terrified you might just stop.

I always thought I would have a daughter. I have three sisters as you know and your mommy had very little to no experience in the wonderful world of little boys. I never watched a little boy play before all of you came into my life and I see how wonderful your are. Your natural inclination to balls, trucks, rough and tumble play, and chaos make your Mommy smile. I love you dearly my little men, so, so, dearly.

“We are turning against boys and forgetting a simple truth: that the energy, competitiveness, and corporal daring of normal, decent males is responsible for much of what is right in the world.” 
― Christina Hoff Sommers

We live in this world, in this society that says boys are a certain way and girls are a certain way and sometimes we believe it. We fall into the stories that society tells us because in some ways they are true.

“But by far the worst thing we do to males — by making them feel they have to be hard — is that we leave them with very fragile egos. The harder a man feels compelled to be, the weaker his ego is.” 
― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I was once told that the devil hides his ugliest lies in a sea of truth.

The truth is, you are a certain way.

It is true that you are strong, rough, loud, and active... like society says, but you are not insensitive.

 You my sweet babies are full, absolutely full of love, kindness, gentleness and understanding. I see it everyday, since the moment I held you in my arms, you my little boys radiate light and love.

“Usually males who are unable to make emotional connections, are frozen in time, unable to allow themselves to love for fear that the loved one will abandon them.” 
― bell hooks

Mommy begs you to see the strength of a soft hearted man.

It is not easy to be emotional and compassionate in a world that tells you that you are not. Mommy sees men who treat women like objects rather than people and my heart feels anxiety, fear, and pain to think that you might ever think that this is how all men are to be, my sons, it is not true. It is not you. I know your hearts and I beg you to make it part of your life to know your heart as well. When we know and love our own hearts, we can better know and love the hearts of others. 

I am afraid of being your mother at times because I am a female and at times I worry that we are so different that I might not be able to speak the language you speak as men, maybe no matter what I say to you, you could be destined for a life removed from your own heart and emotions. 

And then, do you know what happens?

You my firstborn, with your long legs and masculine features, broadening shoulders say "I want Momma" and you my second son, curl up like a little ball in my lap, against my chest and lie your head on my shoulder and say "I love you mommy" and you my tiny mancub, cry tears of sheer joy "Ma Ma Ma"  at the sight of your Mommy when I pick you up from daycare. 

Everyday, every single day you show me your hearts. Those hearts are so full of love, and trust, and kindness, and compassion, and connection.

I know who you are,so try not to forget.

I am writing you this so you don't forget and if you ever do forget, then read this and remember your mother told you that you have a beautiful heart, and a breath taking soul, that you are made from love and I know that love is what you bring into the world. Don't you forget it, don't forget who you are, my little boys. My masculine offspring, you came here so powerfully and magnificently to spread the story of love, and its true because your Mommy wouldn't lie to you. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

you are the one


they say it's cold
the big ones

they cover
adding layers

they didn't know
they didn't know

feet hit the ground

the cold isn't so cold

flake on the tongue
run, play, laugh
fall down
get up

doesn't feel so bad

make our own heat
internal fire
we knew truth

cold isn't so cold

longer legs
maybe hips
deeper voices

getting chilly

fingers burn
more layers
find a fire
a cover
find something

outside of yourself


cold is so cold

its hard to breathe
what they thought was true
victims to the cold

back to truth
they told you too much
too much protection

they didn't know
you forgot

cold wasn't so cold

back to truth
about your fire
go there


cold isn't so cold

recall that
you are the one
who makes heat

cold isn't so cold.

Friday, November 18, 2016

A Brief and Strange description of the Eight Limbs of Yoga.

The eight limbs of yoga are outlined in the book by Deborah Adele The Yamas and NiYamas. They are taken from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. There are many Sutras close to 200 but the Yamas and NiYamas are thought to be "the good stuff".

I have heard the Yamas and NiYamas referred to as the "Heart of the Yoga Sutras". As there are other sutras but the Yamas and NiYamas are a "basics" for yogis.

I was so pleasantly surprised reading about the Eight Limbs of yoga. I expected some very harsh rigid rules and I know from much of my experience with religions that hard rules are just hard for me.

I think we are all human and we mess up the rules from time to time.

What I feel when reading about the Yamas and NiYamas is that these "Yoga Rules" come from a place of understanding and love rather than a place of dictatorship or force.

The point of the Yamas and NiYamas is to create deeper love, compassion, and connection within ourselves and others. To create deeper understanding in ourselves and in others. To have a gentle outline to "check ourselves" through life and to eventually created deep love and unity in ourselves and with others.

To me the we can compare ourselves to a machine. A machine needs certain things to run with integrity and to keep its integrity over the years of use and experience. Our mind and bodies need the same kind of up keep as a machine. If we will care for our internal self and external self we will have a machine and or body/mind that is able to run consistently and with integrity because we have properly care for our machine that is our self.

Not only do we care for this machine, say were a car, but we pimp it out (ha!). Like a car, we could add rims, tinted windows, and maybe a sweet bass system.

In our bodies and soul we can "pimp our rides"(am I really typing this?) by using the limbs of yoga to deepen our understanding of life through practice and meditation. If we stay consistent with these practices our machine will be better than just up-kept but we will have pimped out the body and mind so that we have lived this life not just staying the same but transforming our souls using the tools which are the limbs of yoga to grow, develop and learn.

At the end of life like a car that has earned its historical plates we will have learned/earned/ or allowed for Samadhi which is our ultimate goal of love for self and others creating unity as yogis.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Calling all Dreamers, wake up.

“I am a dreamer. I know so little of real life that I just can’t help re-living such moments as these in my dreams, for such moments are something I have very rarely experienced. I am going to dream about you the whole night, the whole week, the whole year.” 

Our society really romanticizes the dreamers. 

What is compelling about all this dreaming and not doing?

All these people, minds, lives, ideas, desires: frozen. 

Waiting for permission.

Permission from who?

No one will give you permission.

Let me say that one more time and let it hit you, if you're waiting for the "right time" in life to do anything for someone to give you the go ahead:


I mean, I'm trying to in this moment, but I cant do it for you, and you cant do it for me.

We must give ourselves permission. 

You have to deem yourself worthy and give yourself permission to live. 

"I know so little of real life"


This is real life and you know what you need to know. Its in you. 

We are "real life" and maybe you don't believe it now, but you have answers inside of you just dying to speak their truth. 

What does that mean?

Are you a "dreamer"?

Do you have thousands of ideas and thoughts that live purely in your head?

Would it be possible to make  any of them reality?

Do you believe that you can do, be, live the things you want to do; your dreams?

If no, why?

Like really why?

Can you write your dreams down, then write down all the reasons that your dreams are not possible and then write down possible solutions to the reasons they are not possible? 

Can you do that? 

Do it right now. 


Do you really dream because you have big dreams, or to keep yourself "safe".

Chasing a dream is new. Its unknown. You might fail. Failing sucks. But failing is okay and its how we learn what to try next.

I say dreamers are afraid. 

I'm afraid all the time. 

Its okay to be afraid but feeling "stuck" or helpless or powerless in your own body and life doesn't feel very good. In fact it feels horrid and I whole heartily believe it is why we see depression and anxiety disorders sky rocketing. 

We don't feel safe with ourselves, with our minds, we feel like powerless creatures. 

Good news is, it ain't true. 

How can it be beautiful to live a life in your head that you could possibly bring to fruition but you don't?

You say you're a dreamer and like Lennon said you're not the only one, we're everywhere! 

A dream is in the mind and we are in the body, in flesh, in the world. 

How do we connect the dreams to the flesh so that they can "be". 

They can  "be". 

Is it very "safe" to live your entire life with a head full of dreams that you wish you could live but you're too afraid, too doubtful, too full of excuses.

Sounds dangerous to me, truly violent to yourself, to waste this life being too afraid to do the things you want to do.

If there are say actually legitimate reasons you cannot live or chase a certain idea or dream, are you certain that there is not another perspective in which you can look at the problem or your dream? 

Do you know how to change your paradigm?

I love imagination. I think dreaming is wonderful but I also find a life so bound by limitations that maybe are not what they seem to be really sad.

I think when we dream and use imagination to write or create art, or to pretend its beautiful, but when we get "stuck" dreaming about the life we wish we had... when we pretend our life, rather than live it???  Life becomes like a prison and scary place to be. 

Honestly, have you ever woke up got ready for work like you do everyday of your life. The same routine. Went to the same place, talked to the same people, ate the same food, got the kids dressed, rushed them along, lost your temper, looked in the mirror criticizing yourself, and thought:  What am I doing? Why am I doing this?

It isn't that any of these norms are wrong. I do them everyday myself, but can we change our thoughts about who we are and what we are doing? Even if the world seemingly appears to be staying largely the same way? 

I am learning and believe more deeply every day if we want to see real change then the place to start is our thoughts. It takes time to see our thoughts manifest into reality but we must start somewhere or stay stuck there in our heads with ugly nightmare dreams.

You are more.

More than a job. More than your body. More than your money. More than your responsibilities. More than your bills. More than your titles. More than your mistakes. More than your current situation. More than what someone said to you. More than this moment. 

I promise you are worthy. Just as worthy as anyone else. Don't believe less than that. Its heartbreaking and its not true.  

Dreams don't have to be skydiving, climbing mountains, being the CEO of some huge company, or looking like Gisele Bundchen. (shes really pretty tho)

Some of my most desired dreams are waking up and not fighting with my children, getting better at being a more organised person, having real intimate fun friendships, having a job that I love, perusing my artistic interest.

None of these desires are gonna change the world if I accomplish them, but they will change my world and I live in the same world as you, so perhaps if we all chase our humble little dreams we will make the world a better place.
I say live in reality with your dreams.

Dream big, live big. 

Reality is not always a fun, pretty or an easy place to be but it is truly reality and it is truly the only place we can be.

What can we bring into reality?

Maybe reality itself is a dream and if that is so, what can we bring into this dream of reality? 

I think our possibilities are endless.